Monthly Archives: January 2021

Meet Jamie O’Neal, Director of Basketball Operations

In this episode, Jamie O’Neal sits down with MBA librarian Jane McMahon for a rapid-fire, getting-to-know-you interview. In addition to her work as Director of Basketball Operations, Mrs. O’Neal assists the Service Club and the Committee for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
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Sensational Storytelling: Campbell and Nico, Class of 2026

What makes an unforgettable story? In the MBA public speaking elective, Mr. Yorko and his students study different elements of effective storytelling as they prepare to write and perform their own original stories. In this episode, two of those seventh-grade students share their tales!
To contact the Hear on The Hill podcast team, call 615.829.6477 or email us at
For more information about Montgomery Bell Academy, please visit, where you can find information about admissions and alumni events! In between episodes, keep up with The Hill on social media: